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This Is The Work Blog by Alex J Brown
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noun, Psychology

Let's be real here...

Self-discovery is hard. And for those of us committed to looking at our "stuff" and becoming the most whole version of ourselves that we can be, it can also feel pretty lonely. In all honesty, "Self-Actualizing for Twenty-Somethings" was born from my stubborn refusal to believe that I'm alone in this. I also want you to know, fellow traveler, that you aren't either.

I don't have the ingredients to getting there, as I imagine they are different for everyone. Also, I'm not there yet myself. All I know is that I'm committed to "the work" of figuring out just what works. This blog is a step in that direction.

This is my call to action for those of us eager to explore our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, ready to rumble with the uncertainty of it all, and of course, to balance that with play and creativity. 

So, I only have one question, friends...are you with me?

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I'm Alex J Brown, and it's a pleasure to cyber-meet you. I live in northern California with my two cats. I'm a singer-songwriter, home cook, Leo, multipotenitalite, and creative. The outdoors, bodies of water, and bad jokes are a few of my favorite things. Friends, new adventures, ideas, and making playlists are a few others. 


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